The relationship between thoughts and emotions

© Alex Proimos. Joy and love are our most natural emotions

Emotions are reflections of thoughts. They can tell you if what you are thinking or believing is true for you or not. The true self is love, and so when we think thoughts that do not resonate with the true self, then we feel the discord as bad feelings.

If the mind is quiet, still, then you are in alignment with the true self, and once you return to a let-go state — relaxed, alert, natural — you will think, perceive and feel in the natural way. If the mind is very stormy then emotions that have some powerful momentum could be reflecting a different thought than the one you’re thinking, the body reacts to anxiety chemically, and that has momentum too… fight or flight.

The trick is to learn how to keep the mind quiet, be aware, that is critical, let everything settle, and look after the other lifestyle elements too. Keep coming back to no-mind, over and over and over, learn to perceive without mentally commenting.

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