How to concentrate on studying without getting distracted

Ashok asks…

“I am a 22 year old student and am sick of my uncontrollable thoughts. My main problem is I can’t concentrate on my study matter. When I try to study I just sink into another world of imagination. After a few minutes I start thinking about college, family, my aims, girls.

I am highly sensitive. Others enjoy themselves, have fun and also study hard but I can’t do any of those things so easily. For every action I think about pros and cons. While talking with friends I try not to hurt anyone and I get too attracted towards girls. If I like someone I can just think about her, for whole days to months.

Please help me in getting rid of useless thoughts of hero imagination, girls, judging others behavior, of living a luxurious life, becoming popular etc. I just want to study, get high scores and be successful in my life.”

© Mer Chau
© Mer Chau

What is success?

First of all, I want you to relax about any ideas you have of being “successful.”

There’s a lot of pressure these days from parents and teachers to get qualifications and well-paid jobs. I understand this from a parent’s perspective.

Apart from notions of “success” they also worry that their child will live a life of financial struggle, and feel unfulfilled, by only being able to get low-paid, “menial” jobs. The common perception is that jobs like sweeping the streets or serving food represents failure.

The reality is that many high earners are in positions of great responsibility and their day is usually unhealthy and stressful. These jobs are often sedentary and demanding — people to manage, targets to hit, deadlines to meet. Stress, fast lunches and unhealthy snacks, a sedentary indoor lifestyle — these things are conducive to poor health and unhappiness. Continue reading “How to concentrate on studying without getting distracted”

The wise fisherman

© Michael Keith Manges

A fisherman was sitting near the seashore, relaxing under the shadow of a tree.

Suddenly a rich businessman approached him and angrily inquired: Why don’t you catch more fish instead of just sitting there?

The fisherman asked: What would I do by catching more fish?

Businessman: You could sell them, earn more money, and buy a bigger boat.

Fisherman: What would I do then?

Businessman: You could go fishing in deeper waters, catch even more fish and earn even more money.  Continue reading “The wise fisherman”

How do you measure success in life?

How do you measure success in life?
How do you measure success in life?

Are you happy? If the answer is YES, then you’re successful. Happiness is the only valid measure of success, because the reason people believe they need lots of money for example, is because they think it will make them happier.

Having lots of money is a nice thing — it means you don’t have to worry about money. But having a fatter wage check, a bigger house or a better car… these things alone won’t make you happy, not in the long run.

I’ve known millionaires who were desperately unhappy, despite having every possession they could ever want. Is that a successful life?

There’s nothing wrong whatsoever with having beautiful things or being rich. The point is whether we are seeking the material to fill an empty void within that can’t be filled with these things. That just doesn’t work.

Continue reading “How do you measure success in life?”