Rhubarb crumble and forests of food

© Kevin Buehler | Home-grown rhubarb straight from the garden with no herbicides, pesticides or fungicides

A few days ago, my next-door-neighbor who loves cooking made five big rhubarb, blackberry and blackcurrant crumbles, with the last of the harvest from my garden “food forest.”

She then gave them to other folks who live close by. You just can’t beat home cooking!

And you can’t get better food than organic home-grown food, straight from the garden and prepared right away. This food forest idea is one that’s taking off big-style.

It’s an idea that’s part of the whole permaculture revolution and it’s really a wonderful idea. What you do is just plant stuff in a forest type manner, and let nature take care of it, for the most part. Continue reading “Rhubarb crumble and forests of food”